Practicality Development of Problem-Based Learning Models and Giving Reward to Algebra Linear Elementer

  • Mariam Nasution Doctoral Program of Education Science, Postgraduate - Universitas Negeri Padang
  • I Made Arnawa Department of Mathematics - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – Universitas Andalas University
  • Ali Amran Department of Chemistry - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Edwin Musdi Department of Mathematics - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: linear algebra, elementary



 Mathematics is one of the branches of science that is very important to learn and develop in the world of education, where mathematics has various meanings according to the point of view of understanding it. Learning mathematics cannot be separated from the goals to be achieved, namely being able to think logically, analytically, creatively, and systematically. Therefore, in the delivery of mathematics learning, learning models can be used that take learners to actively build their knowledge based on their past experiences. One model that can activate learning is a problem-based learning model and rewarding. At the stage of the results of the trials carried out on the problem-based learning model and the giving of rewards at the one-to-one stage, the small group stage, and the stage field test practical using problem-based learning models and giving rewards were obtained in the high category. The characteristics of the practicality of this learning model are reviewed from the results of observers, lecturers, and students. This model is well implemented, easy to use, uses time efficiently in the learning process along with giving awards, and at the same time triggers student activity in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Mariam Nasution, I Made Arnawa, Ali Amran and Edwin Musdi 2021. Practicality Development of Problem-Based Learning Models and Giving Reward to Algebra Linear Elementer. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 4 (Apr. 2021), 153-157. DOI: