Analysis of the Found New Dokuments on the “Charter of the Bukhara Gold Mining Company”

  • Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna Candidate of Historical Sciences Senior Lecturer of the Department "Humanitarian and Social Sciences" of the Military Technical Institute of the National Guard of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Central Asia, minerals, Bukhara Khanate, Governor-General of Turkestan, charter


Documents on the history of mining and minerals in the khanates of Central Asia are kept in the National Archives of Uzbekistan. In the article, several documents on the history of mining were first published and included in the scientific circulation, and were also purposefully used to clarify the content of the article. The article describes the essence of such documents as the "Charter on the private gold industry in Turkestan" in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and the "Charter of the Bukhara gold mining company" as well as a list of persons who have certificates for gold prospecting in Turkestan, information on the legal framework for regulating activities gold producers


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National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I-17, inventory-1, document 13307.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I-17, inventory-1, document 13307. 4A sheet

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I-17, inventory-1, document 13307. 4A-6 sheet, National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I-1, inventory -15, document. 91. – Pages with front 12-14.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I I -1. inventory 26 case 63, Pages with front 1а-3. National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I I -1. inventory 26 case 63, Pages with front 1а-2.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I -1. inventory 26 case 63, Pages 1 а- 4.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I -1. inventory 13. case 487. Pages with front 1-3. National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I -1. inventory 13. case 487. Pages with front 4а-4.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I -1. inventory 13. case 487. Pages with front 5а-6.

National State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan I -41. inventory -1 document. 72, Pages 178.

Версть- 1 верста (Distance measure 1.06 km) // Russian-Uzbek dictionary - Tashkent, 1983.1 volume. p.107.

How to Cite
Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna 2021. Analysis of the Found New Dokuments on the “Charter of the Bukhara Gold Mining Company”. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 4 (Apr. 2021), 245-255. DOI: