The first stages of formation communication means in Khorezm

  • Yusupov Izzat Sultanovich Tashkent Medical Academy
Keywords: historians, tourists, civilization, Zoroastr, Kaltaminar, archeology, ethnography, linguistics, Amirabad, mail, migrants


In this article, there was highlighted the appearance and formation of communication service in human history, especially, in Khorezm the history of development of communication system dates back to early ancient. Appearance, formation and development processes of it in Khorezm oasis covers several thousand years. In the early periods, the population of the oasis had to use various ways to satisfy their requirements of communicating and relating with each other.

It is necessary to emphasize that the geographical location of the oasis also was of great importance in the appearance and peculiar development of communication service in ancient times, together with the ancient history of communications with nomadic tribes in indoor and outdoor territories and states. Because the needs of rulers for the information about the situation in dependent territories always increased after the formation of slave-owning society.

The beginning of paying attention to the development of controlling the system of sending and receiving messages and organizing special systems is a process continuously connected with the emergence of writings and there appeared opportunities of sending messages and information in written form because of letters.

One of the ancient communication objects, postal service was an object of sending decrees and messages and it was organized in the oasis as state system in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C.. As a result there was organized postal service along caravan roads. There was left information that news bearers and ambassadors of kings were provided with food and fast-running horses in special stops on the ways and they had their peculiar costume and order (payza) approving their profession and position.

Those stops were the reason for the rise of communication to a new stage together with serving as a place where tar couriers rest and change their horses.   


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How to Cite
Yusupov Izzat Sultanovich 2020. The first stages of formation communication means in Khorezm. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 98-100. DOI: