Uzbek scientists masterpieces in world funds

  • Rajabova Rohila Zakirovna Bukhara State University
Keywords: Мanuscript works, source, history, ancient monument, culture, nation, ideology


Annotation. Studying and preserving the manuscripts, each of which has a great spiritual heritage, is a masterpiece of culture, and today this article not only promotes the study of manuscripts, but also explores the importance of the study of manuscripts not only in our country but around the world.


Arabic manuscripts. Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Short catalog. M .: publishing house "Science" the main edition of oriental literature, 1986.-526s.

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Akhmedov B. Historical and geographical literature of Central Asia XVI-XVIII centuries. (written monuments). - T .: Fan, 1985.

Kurbanov G.N. Bukhara press XVII-beginning of XX centuries (Catalogs). - T .: Uzbekistan, 1987.

M. Imomnazarov, M. Eshmuҳamedova. Basis of national spirituality T., 2001

How to Cite
Rajabova Rohila Zakirovna 2020. Uzbek scientists masterpieces in world funds . International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 170-172. DOI: