Usturshona is in the ancient sources (according to Greco-Romanian sources).

  • Xolboyev Ziyodulla Jizzak State Pedogocical Institute
Keywords: Ustrushona, Greco-Rome historicians, Diador, Kvint, Kurtsiy Roof, Arian, Strabon, Justin, Alexander Macedonian, Khartakanax, Kiropol


This article highlites the events  passed in the history of Ustrushona, the country that is located in the centre of Middle Asia. There are lots of brief formation of historical informations in it that belong to Diadora, Kvint, Kurtsiy, Roof, Arian, Strabon and Justin.


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How to Cite
Xolboyev Ziyodulla 2020. Usturshona is in the ancient sources (according to Greco-Romanian sources). International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 197-199. DOI: