Methods of educational sciences in the first class

  • Tolipova Tursuntosh Karshievna Retraining and qualification of the workers of the Samarkand regional public education Teacher of the Regional Development Center
Keywords: natural science, science, education system, personality, pedagogy, psychology, pedagogical skills, individual approach


This article details in detail the implementation of innovative approaches in the system of general secondary education and its pedagogical and psychological principles, which play an important role in the upbringing of individuals. The author has widely analyzed the objectives, principles and results of teaching natural science in the primary grades. It also describes the principles of pedagogical mastery and shows ways of inviting, enhancing and reinforcing students. In particular, the article emphasizes that an innovative approach to teaching natural science can enhance the effectiveness of education.


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How to Cite
Tolipova Tursuntosh Karshievna 2020. Methods of educational sciences in the first class. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 215-218. DOI: