Theoretical Basis of Integration in Teaching Primary Education
The general secondary education system provides for the formation of basic competencies in the student, along with scientific competencies. It consists of the formation of basic competencies for self-development, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in different situations, based on the knowledge acquired by the student through the subjects of the block of language and literature. In particular, it is necessary to develop the skills of applying the knowledge of the native language in the process of communication in the formation of communicative competencies, the formation of skills of independent, creative thinking, written and oral fluency in the state language and foreign languages.
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19. Omarov Y.B., Toktarbayev D.G., Rybin I.V., Baitlessova N., Sakenov J. Methods of forming professional competence of students as future teachers. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 14, p. 6651-6662.
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