Teaching modern foreign languages in primary classrooms in Uzbekistan: an overview

  • Tajibev Gairatjon Shovdorovich Namangan State University
  • Nematjonov Sharifjon Rustamjonovich Namangan State University
  • Valiev Kobiljon Obidjonovich Namangan State University
Keywords: primary education, foreign language learning, language policy, pedagogy, methodology, core curriculum, syllabus, goal, approach, communication


This article aims to present foreign language learning in primary school as a part of educational system of Uzbekistan. Language policy concerning educational system is described briefly, but the main focus is on basic education in Uzbekistan and especially on primary foreign language education, its curriculum and aims. After presenting some sociolinguistic background information and a short outline of Uzbekistan’s school system in general, we will focus attention on different aspects of early language learning at primary school level. We will conclude our outline with some personal comments on current challenges and problem areas in the field of early foreign language learning in Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite
Tajibev Gairatjon Shovdorovich, Nematjonov Sharifjon Rustamjonovich and Valiev Kobiljon Obidjonovich 2020. Teaching modern foreign languages in primary classrooms in Uzbekistan: an overview. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 224-229. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v2i5.213.