The issue of the conquest of the Kokand Khanate by the Russian Empire is covered by the literature of the Independence period

  • J.J. Yakobjanov The Republic of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences History Institute
Keywords: Issue, conquest, Kokand, Khanate, Russian Empire, literature, Independence period, mass media


This paper investigates the issue of the conquest of the Kokand Khanate by the Russian Empire. On this case, materials which used to cover all information by the literature were stated. Independence period mass media and their attention and reaction were analyzed and in conclusion were given to the references to the further research topics


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How to Cite
J.J. Yakobjanov 2020. The issue of the conquest of the Kokand Khanate by the Russian Empire is covered by the literature of the Independence period. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 242-246. DOI: