Modular Teaching Technologies as Innovative Components of Modern Pedagogical Technologies

  • O’rinov Nodirbek Toxirjonovich Teacher, Department of Information Technology, Andijan State University
  • Temirova Gulbahor G’ulamovna Teacher, Department of Information Technology, Andijan State University
  • Yusupova Nodira Nurdinovna Teacher, Department of Information Technology, Andijan State University
Keywords: specialist, modern pedagogical technologies, innovative components, modular teaching technologies


The article presents the modern content of one of the most important tasks of the formation of a multi-level system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists. For this, the development and dissemination of innovative models, technologies and forms of organization of the educational process, as well as the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, their innovative components and models of variable educational trajectories of learning in the systems of higher and secondary vocational education. The advantages of introducing modular teaching technologies as innovative components of modern pedagogical technologies are shown.


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How to Cite
Toxirjonovich, O.N., G’ulamovna, T.G. and Nurdinovna, Y.N. 2021. Modular Teaching Technologies as Innovative Components of Modern Pedagogical Technologies. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 9 (Sep. 2021), 130-135. DOI:

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