Conditions for the Emergence of Design

  • Yunusova Kamola Bakhodirovna Teacher, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Keywords: Design - concepts, essence, formation as a profession, Design, construction, Design and production, Industry and products, Artistic design activities, aesthetic requirements, Bauhaus and VXUTEMAS schools, technical aesthetics


This article discusses the conditions under which design emerges as a profession as well as the recognition of design as a profession


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2. Runge V.F., Senkovskiy V.V. Basic theory and methodology of design. Moscow, 2003.
3. Koveshnikova N.A. History and theory of design. M. 2008.
How to Cite
Bakhodirovna, Y.K. 2021. Conditions for the Emergence of Design. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 11 (Nov. 2021), 17-20. DOI: