Peculiar Features of Comedy Genre in Uzbek Literature (On the Example of Utkir Khashimov`S Works)

  • Lola Jalilovna Jalilova PhD, senior teacher, English literature department, BSU
  • Rajabov Akhtam Uktamovich Researcher, Bukhara branch of TIIAME
Keywords: satirical works, humorous spirit, Utkir Khoshimov, unexpected plot, complex contradictions, human factor, national culture


This article deals with the study of peculiar features of comedy genre in Uzbek literature. Satirical works of Utkir Khashimov are analyzed.  The skilful implementation of folklore in writer`s works is a reason of their interest for audience, as it is a reflection of the national culture. We can also observe that Utkir Khashimov uses in his works one of the common genres of oral folk art - the genre of fairy tales. The desire to struggle against the vices of life naturally leads U. Khashimov to satire. Elements of satire are found almost in every work of the writer. At the same time, the writer fruitfully uses, along with various means, the spiritual confessions of the heroes, their inner monologues, that is the manifestation of a deep analysis of the moral world of man, his psychology.


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How to Cite
Jalilova, L.J. and Uktamovich, R.A. 2021. Peculiar Features of Comedy Genre in Uzbek Literature (On the Example of Utkir Khashimov`S Works). International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 11 (Nov. 2021), 30-33. DOI: