Characteristics of Teaching Theoretical Foundations of Informatics in the System of Pedagogical Higher Education

  • Ilyasova Zuhra Kenesbaevna Senior Lecturer, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: credit-modular system, curriculum, goals and objectives of training, knowledge, skills and competencies, educational process


The article describes the methodology of teaching the subject of the theoretical foundations of computer science in the credit-modular system in the system of pedagogical higher education. It also defines the requirements and objectives in relation to knowledge, skills and competencies that students must acquire in mastering the subject.


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How to Cite
Kenesbaevna, I.Z. 2021. Characteristics of Teaching Theoretical Foundations of Informatics in the System of Pedagogical Higher Education. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 11 (Nov. 2021), 142-145. DOI: