Method of Teaching Uzbek Language in Higher School in Paradigm Personally Oriented Education

  • Ruziyeva Sadokat Khasanovna Teacher of the Department of Education, Pedagogical Institute Preschool, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: personality-oriented education, individual tasks, independent work, intellectual activity


The article discusses the content of the course "Methods of teaching the Uzbek language in higher education" in line with personality-oriented education. The main emphasis is on the system of tasks for individual independent work aimed at developing methodological concepts and applying knowledge in various conditions.


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How to Cite
Khasanovna, R.S. 2022. Method of Teaching Uzbek Language in Higher School in Paradigm Personally Oriented Education. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 4 (Apr. 2022), 105-108. DOI: