Verbalization of Lexical and Phraseological Means in the Category of Language Consciousness

  • Mardiyev T. K. Associate professor of the Department of Teaching Languages Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Keywords: Linguistic consciousness, lexical, phraseological, ethno-specific, categorical, stereotypes, national-subjective representations, certain characters, mentality, information exchange


In the category of linguistic consciousness, in the verbalized system of lexical and phraseological means, the whole life of a person, perceived in the categories of social consciousness, is fixed, interpreted and generalized. In the linguistic consciousness, which is formed in the content of the words of a particular language, the national-subjective image of the world finds its expression, and the universal stereotypes inherent in it are also reflected. Language consciousness is often equated with a set of ideas, guidelines and stereotypes based on direct everyday experience and features that dominate people's social life.


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How to Cite
K., M.T. 2022. Verbalization of Lexical and Phraseological Means in the Category of Language Consciousness. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 4 (Apr. 2022), 161-164. DOI: