The Role and Importance of Fine Art in the Education of School Students

  • Muhammadiyeva Zarina Bahodirovna TerDu. Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of National Clothes and Arts
  • Muhammadiyeva Ogiloy Rajabalievna TerDu. "National costume and art faculty student
Keywords: School, parchment paper, tablet, watercolor


The article provides information on the role and importance of fine arts in the education of schoolchildren. If every teacher knew how to draw perfectly, he would be very effective in teaching.


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How to Cite
Bahodirovna, M.Z. and Rajabalievna , M.O. 2022. The Role and Importance of Fine Art in the Education of School Students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 59-62. DOI: