On the Genreal Composition of Komil Khorezmi Devon

  • Nuriddinov Shohobiddin Babayarovich PhD student at Karshi state university, Karshi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: devon, bayoz, manuscript, lithograph, edition, lyrical, ghazal, muhammas, byte


In the article the genre structure of Kamil Khorezmi’s devon on the basis of primary sources is examined. It contains a detailed analysis of the poet’s poems, which do not include Devonian manuscripts and lithographs.


1. Ash’ori Komil. Bayoz. Toshbosma. – Secretary and year of resettlement unknown. O‘z R FA ShI Hamid Sulaymonov fondi. Inv. №.1569/VI.
2. Komil. Devon. Prepared by: A.Hayitmetov, V.Mo‘minova. – Toshkent: 1975.
3. Muxammasot. Bayoz. Manuscript. O‘z R FA ShI asosiy fondi. Inv№.5058.
4. Sobranie vostochnыx rukopisey Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. T.VII. – T.: Izdatelstvo AN R Uz, 1964.
5. Xudoyberganov K. Xiva dunyodagi eng ko‘hna qal’a [Khiva is the oldest fortress in the world]. – Toshkent: 2012.
6. Yunusov M. Komil Xorazmiy. – Toshkent: Badiiy adabiyot, 1960.
7. Quronov D. va boshq. Dictionary of Literary Studies. – Toshkent: Akademnashr, 2010.
8. Hayitmetov A. Adabiy merosimiz ufqlari [Horizons of our literary heritage]. – Toshkent: O‘qituvchi, 1997.
9. ديوان كامل. Musavvada. Manuscript. O‘z R FA ShI asosiy fondi. Inv. №.1284.
10. ديوان كامل. Toshbosma. O‘z R FA ShI asosiy fondi. Inv.№.9881.
11. شيخ سليمان افندى بخارى . لُغَت ﭼَﻐَﺘﺎي وَ تُركى ﻋﺜﻣﺎنى .استانبول . ١٢٩٨
How to Cite
Babayarovich, N.S. 2022. On the Genreal Composition of Komil Khorezmi Devon. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 63-67. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i5.3022.