Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages

  • Oripova Kamola Davlatovna Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages Bukhara Pedagogical Institution under Bukhara State University
Keywords: innovative teaching technologies, the Internet, software, hardware, slide presentations, computer technologists, game technologists, design skills


The article is the result of practical experience in using demonstration methods of teaching a foreign language where some methods of using computer technologies are shown. The purpose of this article is to review the currently existing innovative technologies and substantiate the feasibility of their practical application in the process of teaching foreign languages in the light of ongoing reforms of the educational system. The article discusses the currently existing innovative teaching technologies (Internet, software, hardware, slide presentations), the possibilities and advantages of their use in the process of teaching foreign languages, which highlights interest from the audience, increases the motivation for studying the subject while this creates a special emotional perception of educational material.


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How to Cite
Davlatovna, O.K. 2022. Innovative Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 118-124. DOI: