The Use of Epifora in Modern Uzbek Poetry

  • Karimova Shakhnozakhon Karimovna ESP Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Sciences Bukhara State University
Keywords: reinforcing figures, epiphora, poetry, lyrical hero, poetic repetition


It is well known that a number of forms of repetition are used in poetry. In particular, the epiphora, as an element of poetic syntax, serves to express certain meanings in poetry. The article discusses the relationship between “radif” and epiphora, and reveals the artistic functions of this type of repetition on the example of poems by poets such as Erkin Vahidov, Abdulla Aripov, Usmon Azim, Iqbol Mirzo.


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How to Cite
Karimova Shakhnozakhon Karimovna 2022. The Use of Epifora in Modern Uzbek Poetry. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 153-156. DOI: