Monologue Speech in a Foreign Language Lesson

  • Abishova G. Karakalpak State University
Keywords: formation, rhythm, expressive, oratory, individual, coding, psychological, thinking


This article discusses the issue of monologue speech in foreign language lessons, gives characteristics to monologue speech, and provides the opinions of well-known methodologists on this topic, the purpose of teaching monologue.


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3. Mirolyubova A.A., Parakhina A.V. General methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools. 2nd ed.
4. Rogova G.V., Vereshchagina I.N. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage in secondary school. – M., 1988.
How to Cite
G., A. 2022. Monologue Speech in a Foreign Language Lesson. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 215-217. DOI: