On The Question of Translating Phraseological Units

  • Paluanova M. Karakalpak State University
Keywords: phraseological combinations, component, stylistic functions, specificity, equivalents, adequate translation, literal, analogous


This article discusses the issues of translating phraseological combinations from one language to another, provides the opinion of well-known scientists on this topic.


1. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 M., 1972, p. 149
2. Gorky A.M., collected works in 30 volumes M., 1953., vol. 24, p. 493
3. Retsker Ya. I. “On the gradation of difficulties in the course of translation into the native language” M., 1948, p. 36
4. Fayzullaev R. “National color and artistic translation"T, 1979
5. Fedorov A.V. “Questions of general theory and translation" M., 1968.
6. Chernysheva I. P. “Phraseology of the modern German language" M., 1970, p. 41.
How to Cite
M., P. 2022. On The Question of Translating Phraseological Units. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 249-251. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i5.3076.