The Audio- Is of the Main Components of Multimedia Technologies

  • Sh. Q. Shoyqulov Senior Lecturer, department of Applied Mathematics, faculty of Computer sciences, Karshi State University, Karshi, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • A. A. Bozorov Lecturer, department of Applied Mathematics, faculty of Computer sciences, Karshi State University, Karshi, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: multimedia, animation, graphics, sound, microphone, audio systems, optical CD


The article deals with one of the main components of multimedia technologies - audio and its properties, the creation of audio effects and its use in multimedia applications.


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How to Cite
Shoyqulov, S.Q. and Bozorov, A.A. 2022. The Audio- Is of the Main Components of Multimedia Technologies. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 263-268. DOI: