"Babur-Name" As a Source of Historical and Ethnographic Science

  • Kazakova Rano Mashrabaevna Lecturer at the Department of Methods of Teaching Languages and Socio-Economic Sciences of the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Workers of Namangan Region
Keywords: heritage, ethnographic science, way of life, culture, originality


This article deals with the problems of studying the historical and creative significance of the heritage of Z.M. Babur, in particular, we are talking about the significance of "Babur-name" as a source for the development of historical and ethnographic science. The article presents information that is described and reflected in the "Babur-name", as well as provides a variety of information about the political, economic, cultural life and way of life of the peoples of Central Asia at that time.


1. Азимджанова С. Захириддин Мухаммад Бабур. Предисловие к «Бабур-наме», Ташкент, 1995.
2. М.А.Салье, История этнографии, Ташкент, 2000.
3. М.А.Салье, «Бабур-наме», Ташкент, 1958.
4. А.У.Шералиева. «Бабур-наме» произведение великого правителя, творческой личности, поэта… -З.М.Бабур, Ташкент, 2001.
5. Baburname and Babur…p.70.
How to Cite
Mashrabaevna, K.R. 2022. "Babur-Name" As a Source of Historical and Ethnographic Science. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 5 (May 2022), 294-298. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v5i5.3096.