Transfer of Image and Character in Artistic Translation

  • Kakhramonov Jakhongir Boymakhmat Ugli Lecturer, Tashkent State University of Economics
  • Abdurakhmon Norinboev Lecturer, Tashkent State University of Economics
Keywords: artistic translation, library, libraryworld literature and culture, world literature and culture, history of translation


This article provides information about the human image and its depiction in translations.The contributions of Leyden, Erskine, Kaiser and Klaproth in the translation of Z.M. Babur's works into European languages are huge.

The services of G. Salomov, N. Otajonov, G. Khojayev and others in studying the translations of Babur's work into European languages and showing his place in world literature are worthy of praise, but a special research work on the presentation of image and character in artistic translation not done.


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How to Cite
Boymakhmat Ugli, K.J. and Norinboev, A. 2022. Transfer of Image and Character in Artistic Translation. International Journal on Integrated Education. 5, 7 (Aug. 2022), 95-100. DOI: