Performance of team orchestra in folk instruments

  • Kuvatov Ilyos Isroilovich Depertment of orchestra conducting af the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Orchestra, teacher, team, performer, conductor, score, music instrument, music, multi-vocal, art, national instruments, composer, chromatisizm, mediant, temperament, range, band


This article describes the origins of folk instruments orchestras in detail and their ability to perform in team performances. It is also noted that attention is paid to the range of musical instruments. Scholars' opinions are often cited as expressing their views. The advantage of the scientific article is that it helps the public know that each band of the orchestra has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the technical and timbre-expressive capabilities of the instruments.


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How to Cite
Kuvatov Ilyos Isroilovich 2020. Performance of team orchestra in folk instruments . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 4 (Apr. 2020), 23-27. DOI: