Personal description in the word combination and expression in a speech

  • S.A. Nazarova Bukhara state university
  • M.Yu.Khojieva Bukhara State University
Keywords: vocabulary, personality, description, substitution, linguistics, linguistic syntactic template, speech, artistic speech


The article discusses the study of the linguistic syntactic form of the words describing a person as a result of substitution analysis of the Uzbek language and the problems of their speech in the use of these units in artistic speech and their study in the context of modern linguistics. It is based on the fact that the derivation of the vocabulary of the person's vocabulary in artistic speech is one of the linguistic methods used to describe the person in Uzbek.


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How to Cite
S.A. Nazarova and M.Yu.Khojieva 2020. Personal description in the word combination and expression in a speech . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 2 (Feb. 2020), 15-18. DOI: