Political Revolutions in the Modern World

  • Jabbarova Sevara Shukhratovna Student of the Department of Political Science of the Uzbek University of Journalism and Mass Communications
Keywords: Modern revolution, ancient revolution, color revolutions, typology of revolutions, historical, sociological


The main purpose of this article is the relevance of studying such a political phenomenon as revolution in the modern world, is related to their historical significance and role in the modern politics of various countries. Historically, many states have gone through revolutions in their development or their appearance is associated with revolutions. This article is devoted to revolutions in his decisions, that is, his final conclusions and methods.


1. https://ruskline.ru/analitika/2016/08/03/o_suwnosti_sovremennyh_revolyucij_i_gosudarstvennyh_perevorotov/ Понятие «революции» и «государственного переворота»
2. Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарева, Российская Федерация, г. Саранск РЕВОЛЮЦИИ КАК ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ФЕНОМЕН: ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ
3. Автор: Назаров Ю. Н. Философия и общество. Выпуск №4(44)/2006
4. Критика политической философии: Капустин Борис Гурьевич
How to Cite
Shukhratovna, J.S. 2023. Political Revolutions in the Modern World. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 6 (Jun. 2023), 1-4. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i6.4459.