Foreign experience in economic risk management and opportunities for their use

  • Baymirzayev Dilmurod Nematovich Namangan State University
Keywords: efficiency, science and technology, development, financial sustainability, insurance, risks, uncertainty risk, natural disasters


Agriculture is one of the high-risk sectors of the agro-industrial complex, which operates under the influence of internal and external risks. The results of the activities of agricultural producers are directly related not only to the amount and quality of labor, the level of technology and technology used, but also to the objective high risk conditions for agricultural production. Risk research remains one of the most important modern areas of economic research. Risk studies play an important role in predicting economic development and making optimal decisions. Achieving sustainable agricultural production requires research in industry risks. It is necessary to establish a system of organizational and economic measures to reduce the negative impact of risk factors on the production and financial results of agricultural enterprises


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How to Cite
Baymirzayev Dilmurod Nematovich 2020. Foreign experience in economic risk management and opportunities for their use. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 54-60. DOI: