Theoretical analysis of business risks

  • Baymirzayev Dilmurod Nematovich Namangan State University
Keywords: activity, business, entrepreneurial activity, risk, risks, entrepreneurial risk


Internal risks associated with economic activity are directly related to the processes of production, reproduction, treatment and management. Production risks, in turn, are subdivided into separate types of farm activities: basic, additional and service processes. Entrepreneurs face different set of risks that differ from each other by the way and place of origin, the combination of external and internal factors influencing the level of risks, methods of analysis and description. All risks are interconnected, and to some extent, they affect the business. At the same time, a change in a particular risk will affect many other types of risks.


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How to Cite
Baymirzayev Dilmurod Nematovich 2020. Theoretical analysis of business risks . International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 61-67. DOI: