Issues of Increasing the Competitiveness of Textile Enterprises Through The Introduction of Marketing Strategies

  • Musayeva Shoira Azimovna Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economic and Service, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Salomov Javohir Ubaydulla o’g’li Student, Samarkand Institute of economic and services, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Dusyarov Shohrux Xolmirza o’g’li Student, Samarkand Institute of economic and services, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: strategy, market, technology, network, yarn, indicator, product


 Manufacturing enterprises of the textile and light industry of Uzbekistan are a large diversified production complex with a high level of equipment. These enterprises are able to supply a wide range of products to foreign markets, from yarns to finished products. Modern design and high quality indicators ensure the competitiveness of products and allow them to take their rightful place in the international market


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How to Cite
Musayeva Shoira Azimovna, Salomov Javohir Ubaydulla o’g’li and Dusyarov Shohrux Xolmirza o’g’li 2021. Issues of Increasing the Competitiveness of Textile Enterprises Through The Introduction of Marketing Strategies. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 4 (Apr. 2021), 137-143. DOI: