Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a high school student

  • R.Karimov Namangan State University
  • Yo.Soliyev Namangan State University
  • A.Ermirzayev Namangan State University
  • O.Bahodirov Namangan State University
  • E.Abdurazoqov Namangan State University
Keywords: pedagogical, psychological, high school, student, teenager


It is in high school age for a teenager to become the most relevant understanding of the self, self-knowledge. is he allocates for himself a certain sphere of interests and activities, it is determined which profession he wants to choose in the future. Based on the analysis of approaches to the study of senior school age several authors, it was concluded that can not be considered separately the physical maturation of the high school student and the social environment, as they affect the development of personality in a complex. Adolescence is critical, spasmodic, from the period of throwing and growth of spirit independence, the senior student is gradually moving towards awareness own values, understanding and acceptance of oneself, formation own personality. Moreover, mental processes in this age occur amid physiological changes in the body child.


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How to Cite
R.Karimov, Yo.Soliyev, A.Ermirzayev, O.Bahodirov and E.Abdurazoqov 2020. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a high school student. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 2 (Feb. 2020), 91-95. DOI: