Objectives and content of teaching foreign languages at the present stage of development of school education

  • R.Karimov Namangan State University
  • M.Qoraboyev Namangan State University
  • A.Ermirzayev Namangan State University
  • B.Soliyev Namangan State University
  • E.Abdurazoqov Namangan State University
Keywords: Languages, foreign, school, education, reading


Learning a foreign language, due to the social nature of the language as a repository and reflection of national culture, is inconceivable without simultaneously studying the culture of the country of the language being studied, which necessitates the inclusion of regional geographic materials in the educational process as an essential component of the content of teaching a foreign language. The ability to understand a foreign language culture is ensured by the presence of background knowledge in the linguistic consciousness of the speaker. In the absence of a language environment, the accumulation of background knowledge occurs mainly through reading. In the process of reading, both explicit and implicit information is updated, therefore, in the complex activity of reading in a foreign language, we can distinguish the regional geographic component of the lexical reading skill, the formation of which ensures the accumulation of background knowledge


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How to Cite
R.Karimov, M.Qoraboyev, A.Ermirzayev, B.Soliyev and E.Abdurazoqov 2020. Objectives and content of teaching foreign languages at the present stage of development of school education . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 52-56. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i1.39.

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