Factors Affect Creative Thinking Of Preschoolers In Cognitive Development

  • Yuldasheva Nilufar Sherquzi qizi Fergana State University
Keywords: creative thinking, cognitive development, thinking processes


The creativity is one of the best tools which are given by God to discover new things in any field of life. How the creativity may be improved? There are so many ways and methods to reach the creativity. The first thing is upgrade creative thinking and other thinking ways from early development of child. By this study we tried to analyze 4-5 years old preschoolers’ creative thinking and we have learned children who illustrated high and low result what things influence on their thinking. To conclude that not to stimulate to think creatively and not to work with children and some our national customs and tradition may cause children to be convergent thinkers.


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How to Cite
Yuldasheva Nilufar Sherquzi qizi 2020. Factors Affect Creative Thinking Of Preschoolers In Cognitive Development. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 2 (Mar. 2020), 44-46. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v2i2.267.